How to Write Marketing Blog Posts Your Clients Will Actually Read

Word count: 544

A woman writing on a laptop computer

You’ve experienced the frustration.

You pour your heart and soul into writing that special blog post. You’re excited about all the value that your clients will get from your wisdom and experience.

So, eagerly, you hit Publish.

And then…


No visitors. One, two, maybe a handful. But not as many as you dreamed.

Is there a way to make sure your clients (and potential clients) actually read what you have to say?

Yes, there is. Keep reading and I’ll show you 5 tips to make sure you’re writing content your clients will love—and share.

1. Speak to Your Audience’s Needs

To attract your audience, you need to know your audience.

It doesn’t matter if the topic you’re writing about is close to your heart. If it’s not close to their heart, they won’t come.

So, focus on offering real value by writing from your unique perspective about the things your audience is interested in. Do your research and find out what they’re searching for. Survey them if you can.

Keep your eyes and ears open to what they’re saying on social media and what kinds of questions they’re asking on Q&A sites like Quora. Use their language and tone.

And always avoid fluff. You’re in the business of providing useful, actionable content.

2. Dial in Your SEO

Even if you have the most charming post on the Web about your topic, people won’t find it unless you enlist the search engines that will serve your article to your audience. This is where search engine optimization, or SEO, comes in.

You want to make sure your post has enough relevant keywords to rank in search results. WordStream has a spectacular tool to help you with keyword research. And it’s free!

But don’t get hung up on keywords alone. Search engines are getting smarter, and they can recognize the intent of the searcher and the general topic of your posts.

Do try to include keywords, but write for the humans, not the robots.

3. Establish Your Credibility

You need to make sure your audience sees you as a source of reliable, valuable information. How do you get there? It’s no mystery: You provide reliable, valuable information.

The trick is that you do it consistently, over months or years.

The nice thing is that higher credibility with your audience tends to give you higher credibility with search engines, so you win on two fronts.

4. Connect Through Storytelling

Our human brains are designed to bond with each other through the sharing of stories.

That’s why sharing your personal stories—including the obstacles you had and how you overcame them—will help you make an emotional connection with your audience.

5. Promote Your Content

One very effective way of increasing traffic to your content is to promote it.

Send out a tweet or status update after you post your article. Build an email list and send updates to your subscribers. Seek out opportunities to guest-blog.

Let the World Come Read Your Blog

With those tips in mind, you’ll be on your way to getting your content read more widely.

Just remember that your content won’t show up in search results unless your SEO is on point. Browse through the many free SEO services and use them to get started.